Have You or a Loved One Been the Victim of Nursing Home Abuse?

Deciding to place a loved one in the care of a nursing home is not an easy one. You are trusting professionals to offer the services and treatment necessary to improve the quality of life for the elderly or disabled. When this trust is broken or abused, you may not know where to turn. Whether you or a loved one has gone through neglect or physical, emotional, or psychological abuse at the hands of a nursing home or long-term care facility, you deserve justice. Are you in need of a nursing home abuse attorney? The professionals at Mansfield Melancon Cranmer & Dick (MMCD) are prepared to fight for the compensation and peace of mind that was taken from you.

Combatting Neglect and Abuse in Nursing Homes

When you or a loved one enter a nursing home, you expect the utmost quality of care and compassion from your nursing home staff. Unfortunately, this is not the standard of every establishment. A burnt-out, undertrained, or understaffed facility can harbor unsavory workers who cannot care for its members. Or worse, they may take advantage of those living in their care. Abuse within nursing homes and assisted living facilities can easily go unnoticed. Here are just a few of the warning signs to be aware of:

  • Bruising or wounds
  • Unexplained financial issues
  • Improper care, like malnutrition
  • Emotional withdrawal or isolation

Physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual assault, neglect, and financial manipulation are common causes of trauma within nursing homes. Patients or residents over 65 years of age are most often targeted, as are those with mental or physical disabilities.

If you or a loved one has undergone this treatment or you suspect that it is occurring, distance yourself from the danger and contact a nursing home abuse attorney as soon as possible. This treatment is unacceptable and undeserved—and it is your right to pursue compensation and compassion for the wrongdoing you have experienced. Your attorney can investigate injuries, unsafe or unhealthy environments, and negligence to help you file your claim. At MMCD, we can help you to gather the documents and records needed to strengthen your case and hold your abusers accountable. Let us take the stress from your shoulders, defend your case, and work toward preventing this abuse from happening to you or others ever again.

Get the Resolution You Deserve With a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney

When you, or a loved one, don’t receive the care you deserve, let the attorneys at Mansfield Melancon Cranmer & Dick fight for you. We cover personal injury and negligence cases throughout the state of Louisiana. Contact us today at 888-601-0127 to set up a free consultation! This initial meeting is confidential and does not tie you into any obligations with our firm. First and foremost, we value open communication and are dedicated to building trust with our clients. If you have suffered neglect or abuse at the hands of a caregiver, know that you deserve better and can find compensation for injuries, emotional pain, and more.