Who is Legally Responsible for Bus Accidents?

July 28, 2023 18-Wheeler Truck Accidents

Who is Legally Responsible for Bus Accidents?

It is obvious to any recently arrived visitor that New Orleans roads are home to many accidents.  As you drive toward the city on I-10, you get a distinct feeling that both the highway and the city streets have seen better days. There are potholes almost everywhere, whether you are in the French Quarter, Uptown, or the Jefferson Parish suburbs. It is hard not to feel a sense of trepidation as you drive over the rickety Huey P. Long Bridge. Meanwhile, buses are a more frequent sight in and around New Orleans than they are in many other cities in the United States. The streetcar only has a limited route, but the bus lines will take you almost anywhere. When a bus gets into a collision, dozens of people can get injured, and they can all end up with expensive medical bills. Even if you were one of many people injured in a bus accident, you have the right to get the money to cover your accident-related medical bills by filing an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. To find out more, contact a Louisiana personal injury lawyer.

Louisiana Bus Accident Lawyer

When you get injured in an accident, you have the right to seek compensation from the party legally responsible for the accident. A court can order this party to reimburse you for your accident-related medical bills. If your injuries are so severe that you had to remain out of the workforce for an extended period, you can also get compensation for the income you lost by being unable to work because of your injuries. The owner of a vehicle is responsible for accidents caused by that vehicle, and this is why the law requires most vehicle owners to carry insurance. Most personal injury cases can be resolved through insurance claims without filing a lawsuit or going to court.

If you get injured in a bus accident, the chances are high that you will be able to get a big enough insurance settlement to cover your accident-related medical losses. If the accident involved a city bus, then the city is the responsible party. If you were injured on a charter bus during a recreational tour or a church trip, then the charter bus company is responsible.

Even though you may not need to file a lawsuit, it is still a good idea to hire a bus accident lawyer. If you were visiting New Orleans from out of state when the accident happened, the lawyer should be from a Louisiana law firm, as law licenses are state-specific. Your lawyer can help ensure that you get enough money from the insurance settlement to cover all your accident-related financial losses and can help you avoid delays in getting your money.

Contact Mansfield Melancon Cranmer & Dick About Bus Accident Cases

A bus accident lawyer can help you if you get injured in an accident involving a city bus or charter bus in Louisiana. Contact Mansfield Melancon Cranmer & Dick Injury Lawyers in Louisiana, to discuss your case.

Scott Mansfield, Collin Melancon, Brad Cranmer, Kelley Dick